Writing Stories

photo by Hash Milhan 


 The ‘Writing Stories’ features discuss any topic relevant to the experience of being a short story writer, or even writing short stories as a hobby. The features below come from new writers, established authors, academics, editors and journalists.

Submissions are now being accepted. Please refer to our submission guidelines before submitting any material for consideration.



All Lies — Pauline Masurel

Are You Sitting Comfortably – Holly Dawson

Bowen’s Beginnings – Mike Smith

Capitalise on Your Holiday — Amanda Oosthuizen

Choosing Titles That Resonate — Mike Smith

Classic Openings — Phil Latham

Connective Writing — Pauline Masurel

Do You Need to Keep a Notebook? – Sally O’Reilly

Exclusive Interview with William Trevor – Diana Reich

Finding a Happy Place: Contented Characters — Tess St. Clair-Ford

Gimbal — Jim Hinks

The Greatest Show on Earth – Jose Varghese

How Do We Keep the Home Fires Burning? — Hayley Singer

Impelling Perceptions — Mike Smith

Joined-Up Writing – Mike Smith

The Jokes Are On Me — Mike Smith

The Journey — Mike Smith

Kaleidoscope Storytelling – Alex Ruczaj

Kevin Barry Wins the Edge Hill Short Story Prize — David Frankel

Loud and Clear? — Juliet West

My True Love — Pauline Masurel

Naming Names — Mike Smith

Praiseworthy or Just Pointless? — Nicholas Royle

Pregnant With Meaning — Carol Fenlon

The Procrastination Hurdle – Elaine Wilson

Pulling Words — Deborah McMenamy

The Queen of Ing — Lynda Nash

Redrafting — Loree Westron

Short Stories and the Power of ‘Not Knowing’ — David Constantine

Similarities and Differences – Mike Smith

A Single Word — Mike Smith

Strange Creatures — Joseph O’Connor

Suspended Sentences — Mike Smith

Tales from the Tutor – Carolyn Thomas

Telling Tales – Pauline Masurel

There Once Was a Woman — Jane Hayward

Three Stories and Me – Séamus Duggan

Time to Talk About Humour – Jonathan Pinnock

What is a Short Story? — Paul Curd

What is a Writer? — Phil Latham

What We Talk About When We Talk About Editing – Angela Readman

Whoever Holds the Rattle Tells the Tale — Erinna Mettler

Why So Tense? — Juliet West

Word Packages — Mike Smith

Working For A Living — Sally O’Reilly

The Writer — Everywhere and Nowhere — Soumya Bhattacharya

A Writer’s View — Jackie Kay

Writing Short Stories: The Foreword – Kate Clanchy

Writing Without Rules — Frank Burton

You’re Doing a Degree in What? — Morgaine Davidson

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