Writing Blogs and Author Websites

Fastest Writer In The World

Photograph by Kriss Szkurlatowski

At THRESHOLDS, we worked with many established short story authors. The links below will take you to their official websites and blogs, and to specialist academic and society websites.


Author Websites:

Sherman Alexie 

Martin Amis

Simon Armitage 

Isabel Ashdown

Kate Atkinson

Margaret Atwood

Julian Barnes

Louis de Bernieres

William Boyd

Ray Bradbury

Nathan Bransford 

Charles Bukowski

Frank Burton

A.S. Byatt

Italo Calvino

Raymond Carver

Hope Clark 

Ailsa Cox

Emma Darwin

Brindley Hallam Dennis

Roddy Doyle

Patricia Duncker

Helen Dunmore

Anne Enright

Neil Gaiman

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Vanessa Gebbie

Mark Haddon

Ernest Hemingway

Tania Hershman 

Susan Hill 

Laura Hird 

Aubrey Hirsch

James Joyce

A.L. Kennedy

Gabrielle Kimm

Stephen King

D.H. Lawrence

Toby Litt

Sean Lovelace

Alison MacLeod

Katherine Mansfield

Adam Marek

Yann Martel

Charles May

Jon McGregor

Ian McMillan

Blake Morrison

Haruki Murakami

V.S. Naipaul

Joyce Carol Oates

Flannery O’Connor

Frank O’Connor

Ben Okri

Tim Parks 

Nick Perrin

Edgar Allan Poe

Wena Poon

Ian Rankin

Michèle Roberts

Jane Rogers

Philip Roth

Nicholas Royle

Jane Rusbridge

Salman Rushdie 

Will Self

Helen Simpson

Ali Smith

Barbara Trapido

William Trevor

Valerie Trueblood

Kurt Vonnegut

Sarah Waters

Fay Weldon

Irvine Welsh

Jeanette Winterson

Richard Yates

Helen Yendell 

Writing Blogs and Archives:

American Short Fiction

BookEnds Literary Agency

Kristin Nelson (agent)

The Elegant Variation (writer)

Fiction Uncovered

The Guardian Books Blog

London Writing Workshops

The Long and the Short of It (Susan Howe, writer)

More News From VG

Me and My Short Stories

The Penguin Blog (Publisher)

Reading the Short Story


The Short Story Corner

The Sunday Times Fast Fiction Blog (£1 subscription 1st 30 days)

The Telegraph Short Story Club

The Writers Bureau


Thresholds is not responsible for any external content shown on other websites.

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