photo © Stefano Pertusati, 2009
Vasilis Papageorgiou is Professor of Creative Writing and Reader in Comparative Literature in the Department of Film and Literature at Linnaeus University, writer and translator.
In this downloadable essay, Vasilis Papageorgiou discusses artistic research and the mechanisms that have grown around our work in the academic system.
The Art of Researching
by Vasilis Papageorgiou
© Vasilis Papageorgiou, 2015
‘…It is within this unconditional territory that I would like to re-examine the still new, for us, polarity of scientific versus artistic research. And it is here that I would like now to turn to a number of well known questions: What is research? What is art? What is knowledge? What is form and what is content? Why do we need artistic research? What can artistic research offer that conventional research does not? Could artistic research be done by someone who is not an artist? If yes, why do we need artistic education at all or why should this research be part of an artistic education? When is the artistic research done, before or after the completion of the artwork? Who is doing the research or for whom is it important, the artist who gives or the one who receives the art work? When does the artistic research transgress its limits […] and become scientific research instead? Should our universities insist on such limits both within its various disciplines, structures and rules, and in its interactions with society? Is not all art already a kind of actualised research, in both its form and its content? Is not the artwork a document as well, one that is generated by and generates knowledge, awareness about its coming into being, arguments about itself and its context within society and the cosmos?…’ Keep reading >>
With thanks to the author for allowing us to republish this essay; first published by Scriptum, the Creative Writing Research Journal, Vol. 2.