The 2017 Competition Longlist

('Blaring' © Kombipom, 2011)


We would like to congratulate the following writers
whose work has been selected for the 2017 THRESHOLDS
International Short Fiction Feature Writing Competition longlist.


The shortlist results will be posted on The Forum next week, in a special feature about the 2017 competition. In the meantime, our hearty thanks go out to all those who took the time to write a piece and enter. It is always astounding to receive such a high number of entries for such an individual competition – we know these aren’t pieces you’ve had sitting in a drawer for the last six months – and every year the quality of the prose seems to get better and better. Judging this competition is a real pleasure for all involved. More to come next week.



Anton Dechand

Cathy Sweeney

Charles E. May

Diana Cambridge

Elizabeth Edelglass

Hannah Brockbank

Jessica Whyte

Judith George

Karen Wrigglesworth

K. S. Dearsley

Michael Caines

Mike Smith

Morgan Omotoye

Richard Newton

Sean Baker

Stanley Ikechukwu Echebiri

Tyler Miller

Victoria Leslie

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