Whistle If You Dare

STEPHEN DEVEREUX examines ‘Oh Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad’, one of M.R. James’ spooky, supernatural stories: ‘M. R. James’ ghost stories have had an enormous influence, not only on other writers, but on the treatment of the supernatural in film and other popular forms…’

Diamonds in the Smooth

ANDREW LEON HUDSON discusses the stories of The New Yorker and the collection 20 Under 40: ‘I live in Madrid and I don’t read The New Yorker. But not because I live in Madrid. My reluctance has been reinforced for a number of years by almost everything my American friends say about it…’

The Orphan and the Mob

JULIA ANDERSON recommends ‘The Orphan and the Mob’: ‘As I read the first sentence of ‘The Orphan and the Mob’, my eyes widened. At only sixteen words long, Julian Gough managed to insert into his first sentence: urination, a mob, and an orphanage burning down. Kudos to him…’

Time to Disappear

In this essay, KIRSTY WALTERS recommends The BBC International Short Story Award 2012 anthology: ‘Each one has, at its core, a theme of absence or disappearance. These are stories of missing people, death, and the ability to dispose of whatever we want, whenever we want…’