NAOMI FOYLE looks at Arab Sci-Fi in the pages of ‘Iraq +100: Stories From a Century After the Invasion’: ‘a landmark anthology of short stories in a scintillating variety of genres and tones, a book of riveting ulterior visions…’
FIRST PLACE: ‘Did Borges Write the Sci-fi Masterpiece of the 20th Century?’ by TYLER MILLER – the winning essay in the 2017 THRESHOLDS International Short Fiction Feature Writing Competition…
KATE KRAKE explores the mammoth influence of J.G. Ballard: ‘We tremble at the draconian control of the Orwellian. We muse over the strange nightmares of the Kafkaesque. Some among us might even risk the dark, unknowable madness of the Lovecraftian. But what of the Ballardian…?’