PODCAST: In the final instalment of this series of Short Story Masterclass podcasts, JAC CATTANEO talks with award-winning author Marina Warner about the domestic in fairy tales, rewriting and re-imagining myths, and balancing research with imagination…
It’s the last weekend in September and that means one thing to us at Thresholds: The Small Wonder International Short Story Festival.
CHRISTINE GENOVESE considers the influence of fairy tales on the short stories of Thomas Hardy: ‘The magic in ‘The Fiddler of the Reels’ is illusory. Hardy does not pull rabbits out of hats. That would upset the balance…’
We are delighted to announce the results of the 2014 THRESHOLDS International Short Fiction Feature Writing Competition…
STORY: We are delighted to bring you MARINA WARNER’s short story After the Fox. ‘Marina Warner is an internationally acclaimed cultural historian, critic, novelist and short story writer.’