More than twenty years after his first encounter with ‘Kleist in Thun’, BEN WINCH continues to be dazzled: ‘each time I gaze into that mirror—a mirror-within-mirror, and therefore, if the angle’s just right, a particularly dazzling one—I see a different face. ‘
ANTON DECHAND finds his way through ‘The Great Wall of China’ by Kafka: ‘I never mention his name among my favourite authors. Yet there are few writers that have been with me for so long and never ceased to be a source of amazement. I know I can always come back to Franz Kafka and it gives me a strange comfort to do so. He’s like a talisman from a foreign culture: riddled, inconceivable, yet commonplace and imbued with a personal history…’
G.F. PHILLIPS take us through the testing times of Franz Kafka’s story ‘Metamorphosis’: ‘…the central character is immediately faced with a sudden and overwhelming predicament of identity – and what a predicament…’