PROFESSOR CHARLES E. MAY explores the short fiction of Rudyard Kipling: ‘Kipling was perhaps the first English writer to embrace the characteristics of the short story form whole-heartedly, and that thus his stories are perfect representations of the transition point between the old-fashioned tale of the nineteenth century and the modern short story…’
Professor CHARLES E. MAY examines the love story of ‘Brokeback Mountain’ by Annie Proulx: ‘The fact of the matter is: Jack and Ennis love each other – with tenderness, passion, and concern – and people who love each other in this way – regardless of their gender – desire to be physically close…’
Must stories be read slowly and deliberately in order to appreciate them fully, as CHARLES E. MAY suggested in a recent post, or can they be skimmed and read quickly as entertainment and still be valued? MIKE SMITH argues that they can.