Story: May Malone by David Almond

photo by Jasper Greek Lao Golangco

David Almond’s short stories have appeared in numerous magazines, anthologies and illustrated books, and in two collections, Sleepless Nights and A Kind of Heaven, both published by IRON Press.

His highly acclaimed children’s novels include Skellig, winner of the Whitbread Children’s Award and the Carnegie Medal; Kit’s Wilderness, winner of the Smarties Award Silver Medal; and The Fire-Eaters, winner of the Whitbread Award and the Smarties Gold Award.



May Malone

by David Almond

© David Almond


May Malone was broadcast on Radio 4 in 2007 and 2009, and published in The Children’s Hours anthology (Arcadia Books, ed. Zimler and Sckulovic, in support of save the Children) in 2008.


With thanks to the author and Arcadia Books for their kind permission to re-print this story.

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One thought on “Story: May Malone by David Almond

  1. This story is exactly the shot in the arm I needed to continue my own children’s short story and novel that lately has left me uninspired. Thanks again Thresholds and David Almond for showing me that i must keep on writing even when I’m assailed by doubts! The latest doubt is “its only a children’s short story, who’s going to read it?” It’s also heartening to see that regional children’s literature does get published and read.

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