Something Was There

photo © Alex Gontar Photography

Something Was There

with Stephanie Anderson, Naomi Alderman,
Sarah Waters and Kate Clanchy

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Recorded at the 2011 Small Wonder Festival
at Charleston House, East Sussex


Chair of the Asham Trust, Stephanie Anderson, leads a discussion on the Gothic and Ghosts theme for the 2011 Asham Anthology, Something Was There. With ghostly readings from Sarah Waters, Naomi Alderman and Kate Clanchy.


Naomi Alderman reads ‘Car’, which was commissioned for the Anthology. Alderman is an Asham Award Alumnus and writes short stories, novels, journalism and online games. Her debut novel, Disobedience, won the Orange Award for New Writers and was serialised for BBC Radio4. She has also been named Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year and one of Waterstone’s 25 Writers for the Future.


Kate Clanchy is a prize winning poet and short story writer. In 2009, she won the V.S. Pritchett Memorial Prize and the BBC National Short Story Award, for her short story, ‘The Not-Dead and the Saved’. Clanchy teaches Creative Writing at the Arvon Foundation. Here, she reads from ‘The Real Story’, which was commissioned for the Anthology.


Sarah Waters‘ latest novel The Little Stranger – which inspired the ghostly theme for the 2011 Asham Short Stories Award – was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize and the South Bank Show Literature Award. She has won numerous prizes for her writing, including the Waterstone’s Author of the Year Award. Here, Waters reads Graham Greene’s short story ‘A Little Place Off the Edgware Road’.



Listen to

Something Was There

(1 hour, 8 minutes)

With thanks to the organisers of the Small Wonder Festival for their permission to publish this recording.


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