photo by Jerry Bauer
Jane Rogers is the author of eight novels, including Mr Wroe’s Virgins, Island, The Voyage Home and The Testament of Jessie Lamb which was longlisted for the 2011 ManBooker Prize. In 2009, her short story ‘Hitting Trees With Sticks’ was shortlisted for the BBC National Short Story Competition. Other awards include the Somerset Maugham Award, Writers’ Guild Best Fiction Book, BAFTA nomination for best drama serial, Guardian Fiction Prize runner-up, and an Arts Council Award. She is the Professor of Writing at Sheffield Hallam University and is currently working on a collection of short stories.
Listen to Alison MacLeod in conversation with Jane in
Coffee with…Jane Rogers.
(17 minutes)
Listen to Jane Rogers reading her story,
‘Davy Jones’ Locker’.
(21 minutes)
With thanks to the Arvon Foundation.
It’s such a privilege to hear writers read their work and to discuss their process. In Jane’s interview with Alison MacLeod she calls the short story a ‘peculiarly difficult form’ and makes some really interesting comments on her move from the novel to the short story form. Also, her discussion on research and starting points offers much insight, as she reveals the singular slant that writers take in transforming the ‘sparks’ that become the genesis for a story.