
photo by wintersixfour

On this page you can find regular and annual short story competitions from around the world.


Abrendal Austin National Writing Contest

Aesthetica Annual Creative Works Competition 

The Archie Markham MA Writing Short Story Scholarship

The Asham Award

The Bath Flash Fiction Award

The Bath Short Story Award

The BBC National Short Story Competition

The Biscuit Short Story Competitions

Black River Chapbook Contest

Blue Thumbnail Short Story & Poety Competitions

Bridge House Short Story Competition

The Bridport Prize

The Bristol Short Story Prize

The Brit Writers’ Award

Bryan MacMahon Short Story Award

The CBC Literary Awards

Charles Christian’s Urban Fantasist

The Cult of Me: Monthly Short Fiction Contest

Dream Quest One Writing Contest

The Edge Hill Prize for the Short Story

2012 Equinox Prize for Shorter Fiction

The Fish Prize

Five Stop Story (monthly) Competitions 

The Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award

The Global Short Story Competition

The H.E. Bates Short Story Competition

Hillerman Mystery Short Story Contest

Hour of Writes

InkTears Competition

The Manchester Fiction Prize

Mason’s Road

The Momaya Short Story Prize

Mslexia Prize 


New Michigan Press/ Diagram Chapbook Contest

Oregon Northern Northwest Perspectives Essay Contest

The NCLA International Student Short Story Competition

The New Writer

Nicole Blizzard Short Story Contest

The 34th Nimrod Literary Awards

The NYCMidnight Short Story Challenge

The Observer/Cape/Comica Graphic Short Story Prize

The Rhys Davies Short Story Competition

The Rubery Book Award

Sage’s Young Environmental Writers Contest 

The Sean O’Faolain Short Story Prize

The Segora Short Story Competition

The Short Story Challenge

The Society of Authors’ Awards

The Spoken Ink Audiostory Competition

The Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Short Story Award

V.S. Pritchett Memorial Prize

William Faulkner Creative Writing Competition 

Women Who Write Contest


See the  STORY Website (care of Book Trust) for even more competition ideas.


If you run a short story contest on a regular basis, then send an email to and we’ll add it to our list.


Thresholds is not responsible for any external content shown on other websites.


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