On Submitting

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 ‘On Submitting’ features discuss topics that are relevant to the experience of entering short story competitions, having work published (including in magazines, journals or anthologies), or attending awards ceremonies.

Submissions are now being accepted. Please refer to our submission guidelines before submitting any material for consideration.



Are You Sitting Comfortably – Holly Dawson

Biographical Notes — Pauline Masurel

Bridport 2010 Prize Winners Announced

The Co-operative of Writers in Edinburgh — Sarah Guppy

Eclecticism: How Unthology Works – Ashley Stokes

Edge Hill Prize Acceptance Speech — Graham Mort

Editors Dos and Don’ts – Gary Budden and George Sandison

The Highs and Lows of Site Specific Writing – Clare Reddaway

How Not to Lose Short Story Competitions – Lynda Nash

How to Win a Short Story Competition — Sarah Dobbs

I Dedicate November to Short, Ugly First Drafts – Cate Stevens-Davis

In the Limelight of the Lightship Prize — Jane Hayward

The Life of an Emerging Short Story Writer – Renia Simmonds

On Being Rejected – Jane Hayward

On Winning the FISH International Short Story Competition — Mary O’Donnell

A Question About Story Commissions — Vanessa Gebbie

Rejection — What We Can Learn From It — Dora D’Agostino

Shortlist of 2012 THRESHOLDS Feature Writing Competition

Shortlist of 2013 THRESHOLDS Feature Writing Competition

A Story Writing Challenge — Loree Westron

Success Comes to Jac Cattaneo

There is Another Way – Erinna Mettler

The VS Pritchett Memorial Prize — Alison MacLeod

WBD: Competion to Collaboration — Carolyn Thomas

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