JOE CUSHNAN looks at the life of writer and actor James Ellis and his short story collection, Home and Away: Ten Tales and Three Dreams: “The story told at your mother’s knee and the nursery rhyme are, I submit, most people’s introduction to the big wide world of literature”
PODCAST: In the second instalment of this series of Short Story Masterclass podcasts, JAC CATTANEO talks with acclaimed author SALLEY VICKERS about psychology and the short story, anarchy, maternal betrayal, tapping into unlived lives, and the misunderstandings of human relationships…
CLAIRE EDWARDS walks us through Raymond Carver’s classic short story, Cathedral: ‘It is as if he has brought the ancient Greek character Tiresias, whose blindness is compensated for by second sight, into the prosaic setting of a living room’.
‘It’s worth turning aside here, from what the story is about, to how it is written … Morrison nudging his narrator into our consciousness, subtly turning a third person narrative into a first person one…’ MIKE SMITH looks at the gentle humour and softer voice of Arthur Morrison in ‘Charlwood with a Number’.
‘I am intrigued by the areas in which the ideas behind works of art reflect those behind short stories; the less tangible, psychological links – the things that light up my subconscious when I’m reading a story or looking at a work of art…’ DAVID FRANKEL explores the overlap between art and short fiction.
C.D. ROSE discovers the writing of Bulgarian author Georgi Gospodinov for the first time: ‘It is one of the most perfect stories I have ever read, doing exactly what a short story can do best, and what only a short story can do: encapsulate lifetimes in minutes…’