Eclecticism: How Unthology Works

ASHLEY STOKES, editor of the Unthology series from UnthankBooks, talks to us about what he is looking for in short story submissions: ‘When sifting through the submissions pile, we often come across the same one told over and over again. Recently, it’s been a middle-aged couple, on holiday in the Med, and one of them slopes off and has a crafty joint and thinks about a younger, more carefree self. Great storytellers take risks…’


‘From the story’s opening, there has always been violence lurking at the periphery, like the many tentacled horrors of a story by Lovecraft…’ MORGAN OMOTOYE explores the darkness and beauty of Denis Johnson’s short story ‘Two Men’.

Notations of The Heart

‘By the time these pieces were published, he had established a life in the world of literature and journalism, a life of editing with a reputation for impeccable taste and criticism…’ J.K. FOX finds quiet elegance and profundity in Francis Wyndham’s The Other Garden and Collected Stories.